
“It was a place where one might witness the slow but steady force of nature, carving out the land over millennia. The boulders were not merely stone, but the bones of the earth, laid bare for all to see. They were a testament to time, to endurance. Standing among them, I felt a profound stillness, as if the rocks themselves were ancient sages, holding within them the secrets of the earth. They demanded reverence, and in their presence, I was humbled, my own life reduced to a mere whisper in the long saga of the planet.”

— Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Among Giants

Atacama, 2020


Bretagne, 2018

Two Rocks

Ireland, 2018

Dragons sleep in thick fog. Their eggs laid out across the raincloud-covered landscape. As we approach the Storr, we're arriving in an otherworldly realm. In the center, a monumental palace; a cite. This could be the capital of fairies, home in a world among giants. Walking through the mist is a mysterious encounter with a world revealing itself at its own pace. According to local legends, the Old Man is the grave site of a giant, his thumb rising from the ground, giving shape to the pinnacle we witnessed as it witnessed us — Awake and in wonder.

The Giant’s Thumb

Isle of Skye, 2022